Just checking in to add some semi-new information about Jack.
This past Summer, he had some blood work run by his Arthritis doctor (Rheumatologist) to see if he'd be a candidate for a different type of medication to try (Methotrexate injections). Well, the results showed that he was likely bleeding internally somewhere, so they sent him for a full upper and lower scope series (Endoscopy and Colonoscopy) and discovered several very large ulcers in his GI tract. They decided to go ahead with the MTX but also were trying to treat the ulcers. Jack lost 13 pounds between July and early December, and then early this month (January) his blood work showed that his liver was having problems. The doctors took him off the MTX (thinking it was a likely cause for the issues as anything), and he started gaining back the lost weight again. HOORAY! However, his follow-up scopes showed that his ulcers were not all the way healed and likely to get worse again.
Jack currently has very few foods and very few safe (we think) spices.
His foods currently are:
Rice, white potato, sweet potato, butternut squash, broccoli, pears, peeled apples, tomato, chicken, pork, and beef.
His GI doctor was talking about starting him on a new steroid to see if it helps with the allergic gastritis better than the ones he is already on.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Thursday, January 5, 2012
I haven't been here for a while

I know that I've been gone from this blog for a long time now. But, I figured I'd at least give an update about my son.
Jack is now FIVE! Can you believe that? Time goes by so fast. He also has a little sister named Sara who is almost two and a half.
Sara is allergic to rice, barley, soy, corn, fish, cinnamon, and I am sure a few other things.
Jack now has very few safe foods at all. He loses a few foods every year. He no longer has soy, corn, any legumes, most fruits... the list goes on and on. He basically has around 14 foods we still *think* he isn't allergic too (or at least not enough that he reacts when on his daily antihistamines and mild steroids), but things happen to show us we're wrong on occasion.
Jack was also diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis in 2010 and sustained some pretty not fun joint damage before it was diagnosed. However, we are pretty confident it is not the typical JIA like they initially lumped him into but instead "Allergic Arthritis." Once we realized it was a reaction to foods he had been eating more of at that time, we were also able to realize he was getting joint inflammations even from contamination reactions and minor food trial exposures to known mild allergens. So, the arthritis symptoms actually helped us pin-point some of his other food allergies. We then had the allergist confirm them. We're very lucky that even Jack's joint issues seem to resolve themselves without the need for medication within a week as long as the offending food or contamination is totally removed. Which is good because he is also allergic to NSAIDS. Or at least the corn most children's medications are compounded with. ;)
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Blueberry Muffin MIX!
One bag of mix makes 1 dozen muffins, and all the baker has to add is 3/4 cup natural (sugar free/unsweetened) apple sauce, 1/4 cup canola oil, 1/4 cup rice milk, and about 1 cup of strained canned blueberries (I used a little less because I had already used a couple spoonfuls in my pancakes that morning). This mix is: wheat-free, egg-free, dairy-free, soy-free, corn-free, nut-free, etc. :-) It is a really great universal allergen-free muffin mix.
If any of my friends would like to try this (or other future mixes), just write me an email and I'll send one off. If I don't know you, leave me a comment and I'll try to keep checking the comments on my *mix* posts frequently.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Dry baking mixes!
A friend suggested that I start making baking mixes so she could easily whip up some of my favorite creations. I went out and bought vanilla extract powder and some other replacers for some of my wet ingredients. I am pretty sure I will be able to re-design quite a few of my baked goods recipes into easy dry mixes that will be one-bowl and only need the basics added (water, rice milk, or apple juice... butter or oil... canned pumpkin, shredded veggies, or fruits). I am also currently working on some muffin "mixes". I have drawn up preliminary ideas for pumpkin, banana, apple streusel, and blueberry. It is too bad I can't eat blueberries or bananas. ;-)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
A new idea to experiment with...
After the chewy-factor of the cupcakes I made the other day, I have decided that base would work really well for STICKY BUNS! It just seems so perfect. I am going to try it out with some cinnamon and some orange sticky buns next week. I am VERY optimistic on this one! It is a little thin for a dough, so I'll probably have to do a cake pan or cupcake pan for the cooking vessel, but it should work out really well. :-D
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Orange Party Cupcakes
If you are like me and have family members who don't like much chocolate *gasp*... then this might be the cupcake for you/them.

Orange Cupcakes
1 1/3 C self-rising flour mixture
1 1/4 C sugar
1 tsp (extra) baking powder
1/2 C apple sauce
1/4 C canola oil
2 units egg replacer (I used 3 tsp ener-g)
1/2 C rice milk
2 Tbsp canola oil
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp orange extract
* 2 drops yellow and 1 drop red food coloring... just adds a slight color to look more "normal".
Mix flour, sugar, and baking powder in a large bowl. Wisk together egg replacer, rice milk, and 2 Tbsp canola oil in a small bowl.
Add "egg" mixture, apple sauce, remaining oil, vanilla, orange, and food coloring to the flour mixture and stir well.
Spoon into cupcake pan/shells (I used a 1/4 cup measuring cup and it turned out perfect). Makes 12 cupcakes.
Bake at 375F for 25 mins or until toothpick comes out clean...
Cool and frost with your favorite allergen-free frosting or make a simple whipped frosting yourself (powdered sugar, shortening, rice milk, and vanilla) if you are going no-soy.
** It might be a good sweet bread too if left unfrosted and the sugar reduced a little. The texture is a little chewy like a bread and not crumbly like most cupcakes. I'll work on that.
Orange Cupcakes
1 1/3 C self-rising flour mixture
1 1/4 C sugar
1 tsp (extra) baking powder
1/2 C apple sauce
1/4 C canola oil
2 units egg replacer (I used 3 tsp ener-g)
1/2 C rice milk
2 Tbsp canola oil
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp orange extract
* 2 drops yellow and 1 drop red food coloring... just adds a slight color to look more "normal".
Mix flour, sugar, and baking powder in a large bowl. Wisk together egg replacer, rice milk, and 2 Tbsp canola oil in a small bowl.
Add "egg" mixture, apple sauce, remaining oil, vanilla, orange, and food coloring to the flour mixture and stir well.
Spoon into cupcake pan/shells (I used a 1/4 cup measuring cup and it turned out perfect). Makes 12 cupcakes.
Bake at 375F for 25 mins or until toothpick comes out clean...
Cool and frost with your favorite allergen-free frosting or make a simple whipped frosting yourself (powdered sugar, shortening, rice milk, and vanilla) if you are going no-soy.
** It might be a good sweet bread too if left unfrosted and the sugar reduced a little. The texture is a little chewy like a bread and not crumbly like most cupcakes. I'll work on that.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Decorating Easter cookies...
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